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the easiest strategy to increase your sales

Did you know that it's actually easier to get recurring business, then it is to get new business? Instead of trying to always chase new clients or customers, put energy into getting them to come back for more.

Put something into place to follow up with clients and customers. The easiest way you can do this is by setting up an automated email to send out a new offer. This could be:

⚡ A discount to get them to buy again.

⚡ An incentive to take the next level with you.


Using email marketing to automate your sales processes means you get to enjoy more revenue without sending yourself to burn out Email marketing also converts on average 40% better than Social Media! That's a huge number, so if you're really wanting to take your sales to the next level, here's exactly what I recommend you do.


Create a lead magnet to encourage more subscribers.  

A lead magnet is something you offer in exchange for someone's email address. If you're a product based business this could be a discount, free delivery or a freebie with their first order. I recommend making this as JUICY as possible! You want to try and get people to take action straight away

If you're a service based business, this could be a free download like an eBook or Guide, a free 15 minute call, a free masterclass or a mini course.


Enter your new subscriber into a welcome sequence.

Your welcome sequence is a series of emails introducing you and your business to your new subscriber, with the aim to warm them up and convert them into a paying customer or client. Your welcome sequence should be around 6 emails long to really help the new subscriber warm to you.


Create an automated email sequence after a purchase is made. 

Awesome! You made a sale, now lets try and get them to come back for more. Set up an email sequence offering them an incentive to purchase from you again. I recommend only having two emails in this sequence.


Create an abandoned cart sequence. 

Not everyone that makes it to the check out is going to take it all the way. Set up an abandoned cart sequence to remind the potential customer to come back and complete their order. I recommend this sequence being 3 emails long and using the third email to offer them an extra discount to help convince them to take action.

If you're doing ALL of the things and still not growing your business - Make sure you're following me on Instagram HERE for no bullshit tips on growing your business beyond your wildest dreams.