how to audit your own instagram account

When was the last time you gave your Instagram a needed refresh? 🤔 It’s essential you keep your account up to date and keep up the standard and quality of your work.

Your Instagram is usually the first part of your marketing funnel. It's where people discover you, decide whether or not to follow you and then turn into a client or customer.


In this post, I’ll take you through how you can give your profile a quick audit and refresh with just four easy steps!


👉 Audit Your Bio.

Is your bio up to date? Does it clearly specify what your account is about or how you help? Your bio needs to be clear and straight to the point and finish up with a strong call to action.

Also - don't make it too long. No one is clicking "see more".


👉 Update Your Highlights.

I’ve done private audits for my clients and so many of them miss this. Your highlights are a powerful part of your Instagram and shouldn’t be underestimated. Especially when it come to your social proof, you must keep this updated. Go through your highlights and ensure you’re up to date.


👉 Your Branding.

Your branding is what makes you memorable and stand out from your competitors. Have you been consistent with your branding? And does your feed align with how you want your brand to feel?

Your Instagram feed doesn't need to be "aesthetic", but it's STILL important. It's the visual impression you're giving off for your brand.


👉 Review Your Insights.

How often do you take a deep dive into your insights? Instagram offers you so much data, and it can completely change the game for you. Go through your insights and analyse how well your content has been performing. What’s performing the best? What could be improved? Do you need to refresh your content strategy?


Once you’ve done this, you’ll Instagram will be in shape to take you towards growing that dream business of yours.

However, if you want to get booked out or sold out, it’s going to take a bit more work.

With my proven strategies, I’ve helped my clients take their businesses full time, get booked out, sell out and drastically grow their confidence. 🎉

It’s my mission to help as many female entrepreneurs as I can, because seeing you win truly lights me up. There’s no zero fluff with me. Just straight up facts, easy to follow training’s that get results.

If you’re intrigued and ready to look at what taking the next level looks like, click here and see for yourself how I can help you and the amazing transformations from my clients.


In fact, here's a screenshot of some wins below. ⬇️


Will you be joining us? Click here to find out more!


Cheers to your next level of success. 🥂