how to build a successful content strategy on instagram


You’ve probably seen the term content strategy thrown around on the internet, and maybe you’re wondering… “where the f**k do I start?” 🥲

The reason you find it so hard to create a content strategy ISN'T because you're not capable.

It's because you don't understand the process. 

Creating a content strategy basically means creating content that's going to help you reach your goals... But you find yourself posting on a whim or just throwing together anything you can in the hope that it's going to do the job...

I follow the same process for my content strategy and it gets results. So today I’m going to be sharing with you my step by step process so you can start building your own content strategy.


 ⚡  Decide on your goal.

If you don’t set your goal you’re going to find it hard to figure out what you need to do, plus you won’t know if your strategy is working. Set a clear goal for your strategy. A specific number of new followers? A dreamy revenue number? Get specific.


 ⚡  Market research.

Just to be clear, this is to get inspired and not to copy. The purpose of this is to look at what your ideal clients are enjoying on social media and how you can put your own mark on this content. Look on MULTIPLE platforms and go deep.


⚡ Choose your schedule.

Decide how often you’re going to post for your strategy and stick to it. This means you know the number of posts you need for your strategy.


So now you know your goal, you have some inspiration for your content and you know how many pieces of content you need, it’s time for the next step.


Plan your content.

Let’s say you’re posting everyday for a month and you need 30 posts. Plan and decide what you’re going to cover for each post with your goals in mind.

If you’re looking to grow your audience ahead of a launch, you’re going to want most of your content to be shareable or use Reels as these types of content get the most reach.

If you’re wanting to make a specific number of sales, you’re going to want to focus on creating content that provides value and sells your offers.


 ⚡ Captions

Now you should have a content idea and purpose for each day, now is a good time to write out your captions. The intention of your post is fresh in your mind which will make this easier! Don’t forget your calls to action! Every post should have a call to action. Whether that’s to encourage people to follow you, DM you, save for later or head to the link in your bio.


 ⚡  Create & analyse! 

Now you have a great plan for your content, the only thing left to do is to create and post! Make sure you’re always analysing your content with your insights. This means you can track what’s working the best and maybe what’s not working so well.


My business grew 55,000 followers and start hitting consistent 5 figure cash months in 2023 because I used my Strategy Success System.

Every. Single. Post. Was well thought and planned out. 

Every single offer or sales promotion was also well thought and planned out.

Having a system for your content creation means you get to create a highly converting content strategy because:

  • It ensures that you post consistently and always have a warm audience.
  • You can create specific content because you have a focus on what you’re promoting and trying to achieve.
  • You can track exactly what you’ve been doing to refine your strategy overtime and even repurpose the content that gets you the most results.

If you’re ready to FINALLY have
more ideal clients following you AND paying you without spending hours on Social Media trying all of your favourite “guru’s” hacks that don’t work…

You can get instant access to my Strategy Success System as a free bonus when you join the Social Success Lounge today by CLICKING HERE.